by Reyna Maher
I am so touched by your caring of Joe
The tears that sprang to your eyes when we talked about a recent LOW
You ride out the Highs
You ride out the Lows
Always by his side
It can be a wild ride
I so appreciate the care
You GET the medical and psychological war-fare
It is you that kept my mind at ease
When the vomit bug brought me to my knees
Knowing I would have a few hours
Before I would have to take over the blood sugar POWERS
I know once we did not see eye-to-eye
Both thinking of our little guy
Me acting as a mother; and for Bridget's brother
You as a professional; defending safety and practice
In the end we grew stronger
and controversy, there is NO longer
You can carb-count like an expert
and bolus like a pro
you have even learned about the "combo""
You support us through it all
Sometimes through many a phone call
You fill out our daily log
Even on days when Joe eats hot lunch like a hog
You chart the multiple times he thinks he's low
Even when he is good-to-go
I am truly thankful for your care
I am truly thankful that you are there
The tears that sprang to your eyes when we talked about a recent LOW
You ride out the Highs
You ride out the Lows
Always by his side
It can be a wild ride
I so appreciate the care
You GET the medical and psychological war-fare
It is you that kept my mind at ease
When the vomit bug brought me to my knees
Knowing I would have a few hours
Before I would have to take over the blood sugar POWERS
I know once we did not see eye-to-eye
Both thinking of our little guy
Me acting as a mother; and for Bridget's brother
You as a professional; defending safety and practice
In the end we grew stronger
and controversy, there is NO longer
You can carb-count like an expert
and bolus like a pro
you have even learned about the "combo""
You support us through it all
Sometimes through many a phone call
You fill out our daily log
Even on days when Joe eats hot lunch like a hog
You chart the multiple times he thinks he's low
Even when he is good-to-go
I am truly thankful for your care
I am truly thankful that you are there