You see...

Joe, sporting the SPORT Belt with TWO clear windowed pockets, one for his pump and one for his Continuous Glucometer Receiver
Joe WEIGHS-IN on the Sport Belt!
I LOVE HIS VOICE! HATE mine! And...NO...he didn't learn his dance moves from me.
Tara, or ULTARA as she is now known, is having a TallyGear Giveaway that just got even better...go check it out at Mommy's A Runner! You have until December 16th to enter. Good Luck.
To double your chances of receiving quality goods for "F" "R" Double "E" head over to TallyGear's current Giveaway. It lasts until December 17th.
Or go to to order pump packs, sport belts, and/or headbands.
Well, here is a little background on Donna and Tallygear and our love of the product.
It took us 4, yes F-O-U-R long years to find a pump pack that fit Joe's needs as an ACTIVE little boy. Every time Joe would run, jump, careen, skip, play soccer, participate in baseball it would break my heart a little to watch his damn pump and pack bounce and jiggle up and down as he was out living life to the fullest. Though he never complained, the "pump jiggling" bothered Joe. I am happy to report this is a NON-ISSUE any longer.Why?Because Tallygear is on the job.
Tallygear was started up by a mom just like us. The company is named after her daughter Tally who was diagnosed with type 1 three years ago (click here for her story). See the following written by Donna (Tally's mom and co-founder of TallyGear) to understand why this woman and company are so near and dear to my heart:
What is different about these packs you may wonder. Well let me tell you...because I have tried the whole INSULIN PUMP PACK GAMUT in 4 years SEARCHING for the PERFECT PACK. First off you can order XS, S, M, or L. For those of us with young children with "d" you know how difficult it can be to find a pack that fits appropriately. Secondly, this pack STRETCHES 4 (that's right FOUR)ways. This keeps Joe's pump secure and flat against his body. There is NO MORE BOUNCY pump/pack action as Joe runs and plays. Also, the price for these packs is REASONABLE! I have hit the pump pack JACKPOT. For CGM users and/or people who want to bolus but don't want to remove the pump or CGM from the pouch, a CLEAR WINDOW can be sewn into the pockets."When Tally first got her pump pack I did buy from 2 other
companies...they were the web belted ones and they were cutting in to her sides
and jumping on trampoline was a disaster (holding that freaking pack while she
jumped.... as I cried) step a trip to Walmart to buy a spandex shirt I
knew I could come up with something ...I just didn't know where it would all
take now know how that all worked out... ...a.k.a.Tallygear. Almost
2 years ago now...."
A day-in-the-life of sharing about our friend Donna.
Awwwwww, he is super duper cute! I see what you mean about a full supply of energy . . can't hold still for more than 3 seconds!
I can't wait until this next summer when Ellie can get her pump. Than we can try out all these fancy cool things you have. I can sport the 'sporty' headband and Ellie can rock the tummy band. Suweet!
:: don;t think I haven't forgoted about your 7 things meme. Just tapping foot impatiently waiting for it::
Haha! You've said it, now I see it - Joe and Caleb - separated at birth perhaps???
Fun kid you have there! :)
Ha! I have seen you do those dance moves you liar! He totally gets them from you.
Well SHIT Susy, I didn't think my REAL-Life friends were going to RAT ME OUT to my "computer" BUDDIES! LOL... I am infamous for the Frog Hop!
Love the Vlog - please tell Joe he rocks and is a great dancer too! And I totally would lay money on the fact that those are YOUR moves too my dear - hee hee hee. Thanks for sharing the Tallygear stuff- it looks marvelous!
Great moves, Joe. Austin Powers eat your heart out, hey?! Did your Mum coach you for long for those moves??
WOW! He's got some ROCKIN' moves....but I was SO EXCITED TO HEAR YOUR VOICE!!!!!!!
Thank Joe for the VLOG :)
Love you guys!
First off, Joe is adorable! Secondly I think David has a new favorite video. "I wanna see 'gain," he said every time I played it (like at least 10 times) He even wanted to see it "big" (full screen) several times. David is a Joe fan!! Great job guys!
Oh, gosh, he's just too cute! I love Joe! And I'd be willing to lay money on those being your dance moves he's sporting! What an awesome kid! And I'm with Wendy...I was so excited to hear your voice!
love it! miss that boy.. and yes, i think he DID get his dance moves from you!! :-) love you
He's got a lot of energy!
Can he feel the vibration of the Dexcom alarming through the pack?
Too Cute!!! The boys got some moves!
Awww..Joe is so adorable Reyna! And he has some pretty awesome dance moves!
OMG his dancing just made my day! so cute and funny! Thanks for giving us great feedback on tallygear!
BTW...I am so sorry, I mis-spoke in my title. This is Joe's SECOND VLOG. I forgot that he did the "DEXTER" VLOG in the Spring. SORRY GUYS!!!
He is so cute I could just eat him up! Thanks for showing a video! I love his cute little personality! This video made my day! Hope you have a good day! Thanks for the comments on my blog I am doing okay... A little stressed with non-stop Christmas :/ But, tis' the season right!?
Joe. Is. So. Cool!!!
PS: Love that your friend outed you about the dance moves not being from you. :)
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