Thursday, July 25, 2013

Glad To Do The 4am POD Change?

We are currently having a Schnauzer Party.

You see we have Oscar (salt and pepper) and Henry (the black one) and we are dog sitting Cooper (the party mix).

A couple of nights ago... on Cooper's first night at our house...

I woke.  It was 4am.  It was my night off from the blood sugar check.  Dave was standing at the foot of our bed saying something about us having a "situation"; I think he said we had a "couple of situations" actually. 

"Joe's POD is alarming that it has failed and Henry has *expelled fecal matter* (not in those words mind you) all over his crate ... *then something was mentioned about the stench ... Henry's crate housing Henry resides in our room*"

This is where I was somewhat glad and not resentful that I know more about the PODs and insertions than Dave.  Dave had not done a POD insertion yet.  He had only watched Joe and I do one. 

I volunteered for the POD change and left the soiled crate and canine to Dave.

A day~in~the~life of our nights with diabetes and dogs.


katy said...

love it--this is the happiest pump failure story!

NeurosurgeryNP said...

Smooth move. :-).

Kelly said...

YIKES!! What a way to wake up at 4am right? Im sure that's happened here a time or two also, due to the fact that we always have Golden Retriever or other doggie sleepovers! We are the doggie sitters to every person we know! ACK! Dang Pods, Ive had several bad ones lately too, and lots of bleeders! Gotta admit I NEVER had that with the good old Medtronic pump sites! :(

Kristin said...

That is hysterical! There are times when doing a pod change is better - bet Joe was glad he needed one and was out of the running, too!

Anonymous said...

pod over poop any time!!!

Suzanne said...

BEST story ever! Mamas rock!