Monday, August 1, 2016


In the hot tub, last night...

Dave and I were talking about Joe's Dexcom.  We are currently waiting for a new receiver, as our last one has lost it's volume.  It seems it is plenty loud to alert for a high, but is barely buzzing for a low.  When our Dexcom has adequate volume, Dave and I will take turns manning it at night.  When I man the CGM, it alarms ... I eventually wake up ... I deal with the alarmed for issue.  When Dave mans the CGM, it alarms ... I eventually wake up ... I kick Dave ... he wakes up ... and deals with the issue.

Again..back to last night...

We were talking about Dexcom-low-volume problem.

Dave:  "It's too bad it doesn't have a different tone for a high and a low."  My eyes kinda go all bug eyed and I then kind of give him the side-eye.

Me:  " does."

Dave:  "It does?" in a surprised voice.  Meanwhile, imaginary fiery hot pokers being ever so slowly jabbed into my eye balls.

Me:  "It has for the whole 7 years he's been wearing it.  Seriously?"

Me:  "In fact, there are three different alarms: a high, a low, and a really low (below 55) alarm."

What I'm dealing with in managing the day-in-the-life.


Joanne said...

It's a man thing... Fred never realized it either.

Jen Hanje said...

Same for my hubs, who also sleeps through them. Grrr!

Jonah said...

It took me over a year to realize it, and then I couldn't believe I hadn't already noticed.

Rachel said...

I agree with Joanne, it's a man thing. I'm a PWT1D and have been with my husband for 7 years. He still doesn't know there are separate alarms!