"Bridget that will not cure it!"
I was mascara-ing my lashes with the oscillating-wanded Lancome black inky goodness and thought I heard some "scuttle-butt" from my two little trolls.
"It is worth a try Joe..." Bridget's response to Joe's outburst was heard over the mascara wand vibrations.
At this point, I was then "lashed-out" and ready for my day. I came out of the master bedroom to find out what was going on. Joe looked plussed. I asked Joe what he was upset about. He responded that Bridget thinks she can cure diabetes. He was not in like mind and he didn't seem amused that "the cure" was being taken on by his 9 year old sister. This is big shit! The cure. I am sure it was a little insulting to Joe that his sister thinks she can figure it out when world-renowned researchers are left empty-handed. To think his ass has been a giant (he got my butt genes) pin cushion for the past 4 years...not to mention his calloused fingers... the lows... the highs... the restrictions... the stares... the regimen... the routine... the neverending-ness of it all has been going on and on and on... and his sister now has the answer! His 9 year old sister has it all "figured out" between reading Harry Potter books and watching Phineas and Ferb! I guess he must have felt jipped somewhat.
Bridget kindly takes over the conversation (she got my gabby genes) to speak her "peace". She emphatically stated that she thought that microscopic analysis of the melted snow from Joe's boot would hold the answers that we were seeking. She went on to explain that maybe the scientists had it all wrong. "The cure" is perhaps different for each person with diabetes. What if diabetes could be cured by what people love? Joe loves to ice skate. Snow and ice should cure Joe. "Cure it, diabetes, with what they, the persons with diabetes, enjoy and love the most" is Bridget's current hypothesis. Pure. Beautiful. Deep. I get it.
And, again...
No, I am not making this shit up. She even stained the melted boot snow with Methylene Blue!
We have TWO days to fill up the Diabetes Research Institute's "Be Part Of The Cure" banner. Joe is on the right side of the "U" (about mid way up).

A day-in-the-life of the dreaming of, the supporting of, and the talking of the elusive cure.

A day-in-the-life of the dreaming of, the supporting of, and the talking of the elusive cure.
Related Links:
Magic (Joe's wish from Santa...a CURE)
Envision The Positive (my view on "hope")
'Cure it with what they enjoy and love the most'
Wow. This girl is going places. BIG places. HUGE places. That just doesnt' come out of every kid's mouth. Nope; she is one intuitive little genious. I will place my money on her!
Is she adopted? (hehe)
Great theory... now for the execution. This may require drastic planning and possibly something illeagle :?
I love Bridget's cure! You are right, so pure. Here is hoping that it will so easy for some researcher in the future. Maybe one day...
That is priceless! It is so cute that she cared enough to try! ;)
so sweet... sigh, if it were only that easy.
love her!
I believe in you Bridget!!!! Don't give up!!!!
Reyna, her heart is amazing. Your family is beautiful.
Thank you for sharing them with us.
She is just too sweet! I love it!
I heart you, Bridget!! =)
What a beautiful story...
That girl of yours is quite possibly a genius! I love her cure idea and for the record Bridget I believe in you too! I love your beautiful family!
Shes truly amazing! No wonder seeing who her mother is. Love u guys!
Just fabulous...amazing kids you have.
Your little lady has a great future ahead of her and who knows one day she just might find the answer!!
That is one insightful girl you have! She may be on to something. Everyone's diabetes is different, so it stands to reason that everyone's cure would be different.
Omg. I love that kid. What a beautiful heart. If only it was so simple.
I love Bridget. I love that she's thinking of a cure. I love her beautiful heart.
I heart Bridget.
Reyna.... that is incredible! I'm totally crying right now over blue boot snow! Your girl has a depth and an empathy to her that is unreal. Truly. YOu must be so proud! What a sweet little person.. she's going to do big things. Just wait and see!
I love that sweet girl! Good grief - if only the cure was to be found in chocolate cake --- that seems to be Nate's favorite thing at this point! :)
What a complete sweetheart. The deep thought that went into it is priceless. Joe, your sister loves you!
Aw, I totally heart your little girl! What a brilliant, beautiful, and compassionate person she is! She definitely has an amazing future ahead of her, Reyna! You're doing a fantastic job in encouraging all of those incredible traits in both your children!
Isaac's cure: Biscuit stories, mommy snuggles and cookie dough...can Bridget start mixing that one up for us pronto ?!
I love the way she thinks and this post really makes me smile. So my cure is my hubby, my kitten and lots and lots of yarn. (Not necessarily in that order - LOL)
That girl ROCKS!!! Can't wait for the day that we see Bridget winning a Nobel Prize or something. She has brilliant ideas! LOVE her!!!
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