I have become so accustomed to utilizing Dexter (Joe's Dexcom 7+ CGM) in managing activity and special events that I felt "blind" yesterday. You see, Dexter fell out Friday, after school. Joe did not want to have a new one put in. He wanted a little "Dexter Break". Fine by me. I get it. It, diabetes and it's entourage, is a load, physically and mentally.
Note: Yes, in hindsight a decreased basal would have been a good idea for our day. First off, I think the rogue-pizza-insulin-resistant-highs that were corrected all night long finally crashed. The insulin caught up to him. Also, I had no idea that he was going to go all Lithium Energizer Bunny on me.
5:09am ~ Joe wakes. His BG is 309. Chasing down pizza all night long sans Dexter was brutal for Dave. I am not comfortable cranking up the basal (as was recommended on the Pizza Sampler by Type 1 University), while Joe sleeps, unless I have the "back-up support" and peace of mind that Dexter provides me with. A correction dose of insulin is given.
7:08am ~ The pump is alarming for low insulin. A site change is done. BG is 104. Joe eats 28grams weight worth of Honey Nut Cheerios, 1/2 cup Milk, and 2 Gummi Vitamins. Carb total is 32 grams. Insulin is bolused.
9:07am ~ Joe is going to participate in our local Memorial Day Parade. We are getting ready to leave the house. Faces are painted. Red, White, and Blue is donned. His BG is 116. That is too low for that time of day and pre-parade. He will crash. He eats a chocolate graham cracker (11grams) for free.
Here is where I really start missing Dexter and am craving his presence for the remainder of the day.
9:48am ~ There are snacks at "bike/scooter decorating area". Joe would like to partake. Fine, I am no "carb-tight-wad". I have no clue where his number is and am nervous about a full bolus, but don't know how much he boosted-up from the chocolate graham cracker that he had 40 minutes prior. His BG was 72. He ate 30grams of carbs. I only bolused for 1/2 and plugged in the 72 BG into his pump so that a negative correction was also taken into consideration.
10:18am ~ Joe had been scootering NON-STOP with his pals while waiting for the parade to start. Up and down the dirt, puddle-laden road ... back-and-forth ... back-and-forth. Most parents would just think how wonderful it is that their child is so active. Me, I am thinking "For "goodness" Sake, he is going to bottom out mid-parade and I am gonna take a Shriner's Car up the bum as I am hunched over checking a Blood Sugar". The parade is getting started his BG was 128. He boosts with a juice (15grams).
11:58am ~ Lunch. Still wishing for Dexter here. I would not re-check here normally, but I feel lost and blind. BG is 121. Joe eats a turkey sandwich and has a 1/2 cup of milk (40 grams of carb). I bolus for it all... I should not have.
1:45pm ~ Joe has been outside playing basketball and has been careening up and down the 'hood on his scooter. His BG is 55. 15 grams of carb are consumed.
2:09pm ~ Opening Day of our neighborhood pool! Oh Yippee (S-A-R-C-A-S-M)! Joe's BG is 78. Of course he wants to swim. He consumes another 8 grams of carb and his pump is removed. Dave takes the kids to the pool, while I do some yard-work.
3:01pm ~ Darn! They're back! Already. BG is 121. The pump is re-attached to Joe.
Here is where the day gets "real-interesting". Bridget decides that she and Joe are going to have their own parade up and down the street...just the two of them. She proceeds to apply a full face of paint. She is going for a "dog-like-look" and is carrying a slab of green tissue paper with Sharpie-d words stating "SAVE THE ANIMALS". Joe then proceeds with the paint and applies a clown-like look. It was a lot of paint. There was even "clumpage". So, face painted children ... Bridget on foot ... Joe on Rollerblades ... proceed their march/skate up and down the street looking like a freak-show. Soon into the "parade" it started raining. The tissue paper disintegrated. The kids came in slightly deflated over their foiled plans for calling attention to all the animals that need "saving".
P90X was being attempted by yours truly. Kempo-X. Kempo is a workout that has you throwing a ton of punches and kicks with "breaks" of running in place with your knees up and jumping jacks that go awry with some "airborne" action. Yes, you are "jacking" mid-air. It isn't as bad as it sounds. Of course, (insert heavily mascara fringed eye-roll here)Joe decided to participate. I was mid-workout. I asked if he felt "OK"? I know better. I should have had him "boost". I didn't. I was focused on finishing my workout. As he does with everything, Joe participated with vigor and determination.
5:34pm ~ Post P-90X, pre-dinner BG was 61. I go ahead and have him eat and hold off on bolusing for about 20 minutes. Bean Burritos were on the menu. (31 grams each, he ate 1 and a 1/2). I want to insert here my favorite tortillas are the Josephs Brand, Oat~Flax~Wheat. They are 11 grams of carb, but 6 grams (I believe) of fiber...only 5 net grams of carb for those of you that subtract fiber.
Joe's pump site fell off in the bath.
A new one was popped in. Dexter was re-inserted.
7:39pm ~Bed time BG was 112.
9:49pm ~ BG 185. Dexter was calibrated.
12:41am ~ BG 251. Insulin was given to correct.
A day-in-the-life of Joe's day-in-the-life even on Parade Day. Happy Memorial Day!