Wednesday, August 3, 2016

There's a New Woodchuck in Town

As many of you long time followers know, we have used the Eli Lilly bag to house Joe's diabetes supplies over the years.  This bag has been affectionately called "Woodchuck".  Why name it?  You may ask.  Well, would you rather yell "get the diabetes supply bag!"  (three words and boring) OR would you rather yell "get Woodchuck!" (one word and much more interesting and dramatic). 


The old Woodchuck was getting a little haggard.

He was dirty.

He has gotten small; well our supplies have gotten larger.  Since upgrading the PDM case to a Sugar Medical,  zipping up the Woodchuck reminds me of  my post-adolescent self, laying on my bed, sucking in my abdomen, trying to zip up my two-sizes-too-small Jordache Jeans. 

So.. it was time to invest in a new bag.

Let me introduce you to the new Woodchuck (Woodchuck # like 8 or 9...I've lost track)..

His exterior is gray and black.  He's like 9"X11"X3"

His interior.  We can fit in all our day-in-the-life needs.
I found this bag on Amazon.  It's from ChillMed.  I have personal experience with this bag, as well.  As a school nurse, I like the clear pouch for placing documents explaining emergency plans and plans for a lockdown situation.  Hopefully, it will be durable for Joe.

A day-in-the-life of chucking the old Woodchuck.

Monday, August 1, 2016


In the hot tub, last night...

Dave and I were talking about Joe's Dexcom.  We are currently waiting for a new receiver, as our last one has lost it's volume.  It seems it is plenty loud to alert for a high, but is barely buzzing for a low.  When our Dexcom has adequate volume, Dave and I will take turns manning it at night.  When I man the CGM, it alarms ... I eventually wake up ... I deal with the alarmed for issue.  When Dave mans the CGM, it alarms ... I eventually wake up ... I kick Dave ... he wakes up ... and deals with the issue.

Again..back to last night...

We were talking about Dexcom-low-volume problem.

Dave:  "It's too bad it doesn't have a different tone for a high and a low."  My eyes kinda go all bug eyed and I then kind of give him the side-eye.

Me:  " does."

Dave:  "It does?" in a surprised voice.  Meanwhile, imaginary fiery hot pokers being ever so slowly jabbed into my eye balls.

Me:  "It has for the whole 7 years he's been wearing it.  Seriously?"

Me:  "In fact, there are three different alarms: a high, a low, and a really low (below 55) alarm."

What I'm dealing with in managing the day-in-the-life.