Bridget was glinting her eyes in the face of the blaring sun while trying to focus on me. Joe was crumpled by the side of a heavily traffic-ed road taking on sugar.
"We can either turn around and go back home on the same path that we took to get here. It is mostly down hill. It would be easier...blah...blah..."
"OR?" they chimed in.
"We can wait until Joe feels better and continue on up the hill. It is a big one. It will be challenging...blah...blah...blahbitty..."
As she was staring straight ahead and straddling her bike at the base of the steeply graded hill with the traffic whizzing by her, Bridget quietly stated under her breath "I hate Diabetes".
In a calm and amiable tone, Joe evenly stated "Me too Bridget."
I said nothing.
In unison, they agreed to take on the hill.
A day-in-the-life.
Me too...
Why did that just make my eyes water?
We can do this! So proud of you and your strong kids!
You have great, honest, kiddos Reyna!
Ditto. I'm with them all the way on that one.
Love that they chose to take on the hill! You have some amazing kiddies Reyna. :)
It makes me mad that our little people have to take the brunt for their diabetes. You can't yell at the diabetes, so the person that has it takes it on. My kids have mumbled things under their breath too.
I'm so glad they tackled that hill and smeared diabetes all over the ground they were riding on!!!!!!
Love it that they both decided to take on the hill anyway... take that, diabetes!
Me too guys!! But by taking that hill you made D your...ok not age appropriate but you get it :)
Boo to diabetes. But a big YAY for showind diabetes who is the boss and taking on that hill anyway!!
Take on that hill together, sweet kids. You can do it!!!
Oh, Reyna, I love your children! They are amazing!
Hey, I keep meaning to ask you...would Bridget be interested in taking up crochet or loom knitting? I know the PICUs take hat donations for the babies and it would be an outlet for Bridget's desire to help. Just an idea I thought I'd share.
That was the best short story ever. What made it so great? That you guys conquered the hill. Thank you.
Oh, me, too! Way to stick it to D and take on that hill!
Love you guys!!
This kind of story reminds me how deep little kids are. They don't always seem like it when we see them playing, but they're very deep, intelligent, strong...your kids are amazing and I'm glad you shared this with us. They took on the hill. Makes me want to do the same, with whatever "hill" I come across.
Your kids are the bestest. I am not surprised they wanted to tackle 'the hill'. The come from strong genes . . . both physically and mentally. Have you told them lately just how lucky they are to have such a Super Mama who is also an awschum pancreas????? btw, I hate Diabetes, too.
Your kids are awesome, Reyna! How proud were you in that moment??? Great job, Mama P!
me too!! and you have the most awesomest kids Reyna...I'm so glad they took on the hill!
Oh those sweet little loves!
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